The JIA Group will contribute to the realization of a sustainable society while improving its corporate value in a sustainable manner through business activities based on the management philosophy of "Always be a company contributing to society by offering financial services."
We will introduce concrete measures for realizing them and news.
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The fund procurement through "Positive Impact Finance"
We will provide products and services that solve social issues in order to contribute to realizing a sustainable society.
Investment in a marriage agency exclusively for business people who are busy

JIA has invested in Japan Marriage Co., Ltd., which was established under the slogan of "a marriage agency with which business people can search for a marriage partner without worry" so that business people can find a marriage partner effectively in a short period of time and get married happily, and is supporting them in attaining their goals.
Japan Marriage Co., Ltd., supports business people who "miss opportunities to encounter someone nice due to their hectic schedules as they engage in business diligently."
Investment in an enterprise that contributes to the early detection of dementia with a brain wave sensor

JIA has invested in NeuroSky Co., Ltd., which collects biological data, including brain waves, electrocardiograms, and heart rates, with its original biological sensor technologies, and gives appropriate feedback, to take measures against presymptomatic diseases, and is supporting them in attaining their goals.
NeuroSky Co., Ltd., engages in activities for "early detection of mental disorders and dementia with brain wave data," "development of efficient mastery programs for learning and sports institutions based on brain wave data," and so on.
Investment in business of operating facilities for after-school day care and support for child development

JIA has invested in Fits Yokohama Inc., which supports children who have development retardation or disabilities by providing them with opportunities to "develop their skills while playing" from early childhood, to realize affluent living, and is supporting them in attaining their goals.
Fits Yokohama Inc., operates dozens of facilities for after-school day care and support for child development under the name of "Omocha-bako (Toy Box)," where children can learn necessary items for living in society, such as control of various emotions, rules, and communication skills, through "play."
Supporting the operation of "Office Will-Minato Mirai," a type-B facility for supporting the employment of people with disabilities or intractable diseases

Fits Yokohama Inc., in which JIA invested, operates "Office Will-Minato Mirai," a type-B facility for supporting the employment of people with disabilities or intractable diseases, and JIA entrusts them with the printing of business cards.
A type-B facility for supporting the employment of people with disabilities or intractable diseases offers employment opportunities to those who face difficulty in working for an ordinary office in accordance with an employment contract, such as people with disabilities or intractable diseases.
Fits Yokohama has engaged in child welfare for a long period of time, hearing worries and problems from family members, parents and guardians of children. Based on these experiences, Fits Yokohama supports children in growing up and leading a life in their own ways and offers the services of "Office Will-Minato Mirai" to those who cannot rejoin society due to social withdrawal or mental disorder, which is a social issue, to develop an environment where they can take on challenges in their own ways.
In our business activities, we will consider environmental issues such as responding to climate change, effective use of resources, and biodiversity conservation to achieve a sustainable society.
Keeping sheep to weed the land of solar power plants without agricultural chemicals or machines

The JIA Group grazes sheep for weeding the land of solar power plants without using agricultural chemicals at some of the solar power plants operated by the JIA Group. In addition, the JIA Group wholesales mutton to restaurants, etc. and sells mutton products at nearby "farmers' markets," etc. as business activities based on local economies.
Investment in an enterprise that generates energy and produces materials for fertilizers through methane fermentation using liquid recycled food resources

JIA has invested in Sagamihara Biogas Power Co., Ltd., which pursues further utilization of recycled food resources for solving the problem of waste food and attaining SDGs, and is supporting them in attaining their goals.
Sagamihara Biogas Power Co., Ltd., induces methane fermentation by using 50 tons of liquid recyclable food resources (classified as waste acid, alkali, and sludge under the Waste Disposal and Public Cleaning Law) per day to produce biogas and then generates electric power with an output of 528 kW. It sells electric power based on the feed-in tariff (FIT) system. Furthermore, in order to utilize the residual liquid after the fermentation, they conduct solid-liquid separation, dry it with waste heat or the like, and produce materials for fertilizers.
Converting passenger planes into cargo planes and selling them as Japanese operating lease investment products

The JIA Group conducts the business of converting aged passenger planes into cargo planes. By converting aged aircraft as passenger planes into cargo planes, we can extend their lifespans.
The "project for demonstrating 'forests of energy' where fast-growing trees, etc. are cultivated and available" was adopted as a project entrusted by NEDO.

A demonstration project JIA is promoting in cooperation with Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology for the purpose of "realizing a carbon-neutral society and revitalizing forestry" has been adopted as a project entrusted by New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO), that is, a project for supporting the development of systems for supplying or using woody biomass fuel, etc. stably and efficiently.
This project is aimed at actualizing to below:
・"stable and efficient supply of fuel" and "development of a system for utilizing fuel" with eucalyptus for solving problems with the supply of woody biomass energy.
・the monetization of forestry.
Operation of 25 solar power plants

JIA started developing and operating solar power plants in 2014. As of June 2024, we are operating 25 plants around Japan, with a total output of 71.3 MW (with solar cells), and we sell them as financial instruments to mainly investors. After the start of electricity sales, we continue to manage and operate the plant, and until 2023, the plant generated a cumulative 73,959 MWh of electricity. This is equivalent to the annual electricity consumption of approximately 17,715 households*. *Calculated based on the Ministry of the Environment's "Statistical Survey on CO2 Emissions from the Household Sector," assuming annual electricity consumption of 4,175 kWh per household.
We will respect the human rights of stakeholders involved in all corporate activities. In addition, we will create a rewarding work environment where employees respect each other's diverse personalities and maximize their abilities and experience.
Office environment that accommodates diverse workstyles and allows employees to wear any clothes

JIA allows employees to wear any clothes as long as they comply with the following three rules, in order to realize a working environment in which employees can think autonomously, come up with new ideas and create a new sense of value.
(1) Clothes shall be suited for time, place, and occasion (TPO).
(2) Clothes shall be kept clean so that they will not bring a feeling of discomfort or strangeness to others.
(3) Clothes shall not be skimpy.
Some members work in a suit and tie even in the summer, while other members work in jeans with sneakers. JIA will realize a freewheeling workplace while respecting each other's sense of value.
Acquisition of three stars in "Eruboshi Certification" by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare in accordance with the Act on the Promotion of Female Participation and Career Advancement in the Workplace

JIA received three stars in "Eruboshi Certification" by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare as an enterprise that is excellent in terms of activities for promoting female participation and career advancement in workplaces. We make efforts to develop an environment in which anyone can flourish regardless of gender.
Participation in Financial Runners EKIDEN 2023

JIA participated in Financial Runners EKIDEN 2023, which is organized by Kinzai Institute for Financial Affairs, Inc., for the first time. Marathon enthusiasts in our company got together, and produced good results in the relay race with a team of four employees thanks to their daily training.
In addition to contributing to society through our business, we will work to coexist with society by cooperating with local governments and educational institutions to address social and environmental issues that our business activities cannot cover.
Conclusion of an agreement for cooperation among Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Goto City, Nagasaki Prefecture, JA-Goto Co., Ltd.

On August 28, 2024, JIA concluded "an agreement regarding initiatives for improving the quality of Goto Beef and strengthening the fattening business" with Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Goto City(Nagasaki Prefecture), and JA-Goto. Through the collaboration among industry, government, and academia, we aim to improve the added value of Goto Beef and vitalize the livestock raising project of Goto City(Nagasaki Prefecture).
Goto Beef means the meat of cattle fattened in the Goto Islands in Nagasaki Prefecture, and its trademark (local group trademark) belongs to JA-Goto. Goto Beef is characterized by the good balance between lean tissue and fat, marbled meat, tenderness, and mouth-filling taste. In particular, its tenderloin is highly evaluated, as its good taste has impressed many gourmets. Sightseers who visited the islands made this beef well-recognized nationwide by word of mouth.
Procurement of funds through the Sustainability Linked Loan

JIA concluded a loan contract based on the "Sustainability Linked Loan" with MUFG Bank, Ltd. When procuring funds, we set goals regarding "the Promotion of Female Participation and Career Advancement in the Workplace" of the JIA as Sustainability Performance Targets.
The fund procurement through "Positive Impact Finance"

JP Lease Products & Services, a 100% subsidiary of JIA , has procured funds through Positive Impact Finance in a syndicated fashion, with the arranger being Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation.
Sumitomo Mitsui Banking has offered a loan via Positive Impact Finance after obtaining a second opinion confirming that the activities of JLPS comply with the Principles for Positive Impact Finance from the third-party evaluation institution Rating & Investment Information, Inc.
Notice of the fund procurement through "Positive Impact Finance"
Contribution to building a sustainable society together with financial institutions

We actively use private placement bonds for helping revitalize each region and attain SDGs in addition to fund procurement for actualizing growth strategies. We donate part of issuing fees for donation-type private placement bonds to public groups, etc. We have issued a total of 10.4 billion yen by September 2024.
List of private placement bonds for revitalizing each region and attaining SDGs
We aim to be a corporate group that is trusted by society by providing stakeholders with the highest level of security and services through appropriate corporate activities in line with the laws, regulations, social norms, and corporate ethics.
Implementation of measures for thorough compliance with laws and regulations

The JIA Group formulated important policies for establishing a system for group-wide compliance with laws, regulations, and corporate ethics. In addition, we established JIA Group Compliance Committee, for the purpose of implementing measures based on the policies thoroughly.
JIA regularly updates major sustainability data and disclosed documents. We introduce the sustainability database, which includes information on the environment, human capital, work-life balance, and governance of JIA.